Sep 26Liked by Godfree Roberts

It's disturbing this dissonance we see. MSM and elite mouthpieces parrot the " 'Murica, fuck yeah!", and someone in charge (obviously not those gonads we see on tv) just ...push the world towards one big last forever war. That's the official narrative. Then, we have naval fleets unable to sustain any kind of real fight should it come, because their oilers are running aground, and their infrastructure is being scuttled and turned into safe spaces or chant rooms or rainbow caves or whatever other bloody nonsense they can think of.

The only time we've seen American military hardware being used properly recently is in the hands of foreigners: in Ukraine. I think the Yanks are fighting Russia this way, because their diversity addled micro-triggered alphabet soldiers aren't up to anything as stressful as a battlefield.

They've painted themselves into a corner in Ukraine. The Ukrainians can't fight with out American weapons, and the Americans can't fight with American soldiers. The more the "leadership" in the US makes an utter mockery of self on the public stage, the more the actual World is just realising that they can actually do whatever they want. America's ultimate weapon, public perception of its power and fortitude, is crumbling to dust.

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Throughout History Seventy-Two Empires Have Been Engineered to Fail in the Same Way. The crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. The crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. The crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time. Seventy-Two Empires have been recorded and every one of them has has been designed to rise and then Fail in the same way as a playbook of the 10,000 year Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee. The Satanic Wanker Banker Banksters are crashing the Financial System. Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time to bring down a civilisation once the trigger has been pulled. “What is important to hold in mind is that through this entire post 1971 process, capitalism itself was thus slowly turned into a time bomb which could do nothing but collapse. This means that it is fatally wrong to consider the abuses of globalization or the collapse now underway as errors, but rather as the intended consequence of the system’s design itself.”

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in that process have developed a lot of experience in the engineered destruction of Empires like the Anglo-American Empire currently and the raising of the new - The Chinese Century. Later, China too will be failed in the same way, through Financilisation! It seems they always use the same playbook from the Fall of the Roman Empire to now which I will describe below...


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Good luck on that , clowns

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Be careful of Martynof, he’s one of the pundits who claimed Russian victory after two weeks yet here we are years later and not only has Russia not even liberated Donbas. NATO have the slavs killing each other in the hundreds of thousands. The cream of the Russian army have been destroyed in suicidal frontal assaults. NATO have invaded Kursk and are hitting targets deep inside Russia. As for Russian superiority lets ask why Russia has been reduced to seeking help from North Korea (Note there is no practical support coming from China). Martynof can talk all he likes about mussel velocities but the facts on the ground show that there are serious question regarding his integrity.

The Sakers, Ritters and Martynof tell us one thing but the facts on the ground tell us the opposite. Before we decide what to believe lets look at another perspective, heres a few points from a substack called The “Slavland Chronicles”

“Every single step of the way in this conflict, the Kremlin has been helping Kiev. Just off of the top of my head, here are some of the helpful measures that were taken:

- Putin donated an entire column of vehicles and supplies after ordering a “good will gesture” pull-out from Kiev

- Refusal to target key infrastructure like bridges across the Dniepr used to supply war materiel to the Donbass

- Surrender of Snake Island as a “good will/humanitarian gesture”

- Refusal to enforce naval blockade on Ukraine

- Release of Azov prisoners as act of humanitarian good will

- Refusing to reinforce Lugansk despite the clear massing of UAF troops there leading to the loss of these territories

- Keeping the border to Kursk open because of “good faith guarantees” from Washington

- “Gentleman’s agreements” between Kiev, Washington and Moscow about where Russian missile strikes would be allowed to hit

- So many other moments, all listed in the archives of this blog

Why did Putin leave all that money parked in the West? Was giving them billions a clever 5D strategy to own da globalist-analists?

Putin left the money in the West because that money is literally what his whole job as president of Russia is. He is a colonial administrator parking billions upon billions of Russian national wealth in Western financial institutions to prop up the Globalist Empire. That’s literally his job. That’s what Jeffrey Sachs and Henry Kissinger and all the others hired him for in the 90s.”

Putin was of course a youth leader of the world economic forum, I think the truth is a lot darker than we want to believe.

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But Putin is Not Stupid. WEF Member Putin Has Proven his Treachery to the Russian People and his Compliance with the Klaus Schwab Great Reset and the UN Agenda 21


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Can you share with us a direct quote in which Martynof claimed Russian victory after two weeks?

And, while you're at it, how your military expertise compares to General Gerasimov's, since it is his strategy you are criticizing?

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Thats right ...

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