As an aside, the use of a now commonplace acronym, GFC, instead of Global Financial Crisis, serves only to reinforce the exculpation and/or sanitisation of America’s ‘money men’, whose criminality, venality and recklessness resulted in a crash which rapidly metastasised across the world, forcing billions of people, everywhere, into poverty, homelessness, totally inadequate pensions, depleted savings and lives of quiet desperation.

And to add insult to injury, virtually the same oligarchs who fucked up the world in 2008, are now prominent amongst those leading the charge for a great reset, a new world order presided over by a one-world-government intent upon restoring profitability through the exploitation of a global serfdom. Their arrogance, personified by Klaus Schwab, is both breathtaking and frightening.

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Good point! It's time we addressed that issue.

Can you recommend a more accurate term?

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Keep GFC - the acronym is embedded in our history - but maybe refer to it as the Greed Fuelled Crisis.

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the G7 and similar colonizers clubs have a core mission of retaining hegemony and its exploitative relationship with the rest of the world. The global majority needs a platform to disengage from the colonizers.

the darkest chapter in human history is the cancerous birth and growth of colonialism and its offspring neocolonialism as practiced today. the world needs to exterminate the cancer and restore collective health of global economics and politics based on sovereign independence and freedom of choice as President Putin called for on many occasions.

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In terms of neo-colonialists “stifling development” in their regions (in a vain attempt to counter China’s rise), Australia has been relegated to the status of a “lesser pest” in the Pacific. So sad to see my country bereft of the visionary leadership needed to break free from its demeaning role as the US’ deputy sheriff.

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Few, apparently, understand or care about what was done to Whitlam. Basically, we're just a bunch of complacent rednecks living as tenants on a desert island.

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