Industrialist Friedrich Flick and the I.G. Farben company had been forced to contribute only after the Nazis came to power, but he knew from bitter inside knowledge as chancellor that others, including the French secret service, had voluntarily financed the Nazis into office. “I did not,” he wrote to the editors of Life, “and do not even today, wish to reveal that from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany. David Irving. Churchill's War, p. 153.
In Part One we saw that China’s food shortages between 1959-1961 lent credibility to the book, Mao’s Great Famine, in which ‘30 million people starved to death,’ and the 1933-1945 war, which disproportionately killed Jews, Gypsies and minorities, lent credibility to claims of six million deaths. However, says Ron Unz, behind the sensational headlines lie only questions:
For almost three years German trains, operating on a continental scale, in densely civilized regions of Europe, were regularly and systematically moving millions of Jews to their deaths, and nobody noticed? Even those few Jewish leaders making public ‘extermination’ claims were not acting as though it was happening. Ordinary communications between the occupied and neutral countries were open, and they were in contact with the Jews whom the Germans were deporting, who thus could not have been in ignorance of "extermination" if those claims had any validity. What ‘evidence’ we have was gathered after the war, almost all oral testimony and ‘confessions,’ otherwise, there would be no significant evidence of "extermination." Yet this three year program, of continental scope, claiming millions of victims, required court trials to argue its reality. Thus, the Jews were allegedly gassed with the pesticide Zyklon1, and their corpses disappeared into the crematories along with the deaths from ‘ordinary’ causes (neither ashes nor other remains of millions of victims having never been found). Surely any thoughtful person must be skeptical. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.
The Holocaust Narrative
The three leading histories of the Second World War make no mention of Nazi “gas chambers,” “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war. Historians like A.J.P. Taylor, Hugh Trevor-Roper and Alan Bullock are almost as silent. In The German Catastrophe, published in 1946, Friedrich Meinecke, Germany’s most eminent historian, called Hitler the leader of “a band of criminals” but made no mention of the Holocaust, the height of criminality. In America, the 1975 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica was unaware of it. In fact, hardly anyone discussed it until memories were fading and prominent actors leaving the scene.
Had they looked, they would have found that many Jews were prominent Nazis. Field Marshal Erhard Milch, Hermann Goering’s powerful Luftwaffe deputy was one. Ron Unz says Milch’s father was a Jew, there is evidence that his mother was, and Milch’s Jewish background was known during the Nuremberg Trials. Hitler had a dozen half-Jewish generals and admirals and another dozen quarter-Jews of that rank, plus 150,000 additional half- or quarter-Jewish soldiers, with a large fraction being officers. This, says Unz, is odd behavior for a regime focused on eradicating the Jewish race. – Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg.
Fake Holocaust memoirs are so numerous that they constitute a literary genre of their own, the most famous of whom was Elie Wiesel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, as “a messenger to mankind.” Yet Wiesel was simply a fraud, and his famous autobiographical work, Night, another literary hoax. Holocaust activist Simon Wiesenthal invented the “Six Million” to give non-Jews a stake in the Holocaust story despite being based on absolutely no evidence or research. Similarly, the ‘four million exterminated at Auschwitz’ was revised to 1.1 million after Russia returned the official Auschwitz death records, indicating that Jewish fatalities were 99% lower than the widely-bruited total. Furthermore, Jewish deaths actually showed a sharp decline once plentiful supplies of Zyklon B arrived, exactly contrary to what might have been expected under the conventional account, says Nicholas Kollerstrom, who estimates that thousands of individuals are currently serving time in European prions for Holocaust denial.
David Irving, the world’s most successful World War II historian, concluded that the Auschwitz gas chambers were a myth and was subjected to relentless media attacks, which destroyed his career and for which he served time in an Austrian prison. Dr. Germar Rudolf was a German chemist at the Max Planck Institute who published The Chemistry of Auschwitz, lost his career and his marriage and served five years in prison for his scientific impudence.
The ‘six million’ Jews who died in the Holocaust outnumber by a factor of 100 all the British who died during the Blitz, and are many times more numerous than all the Americans who fell there in battle.
In 7,061 pages of Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe, Churchill’s The Second World War, and de Gaulle’s Mémoires de Guerre, the authors make no mention of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.
Zionism’s co-founder, Max Nordau, was better known as a founding father of European racialism and the Nazi-Zionist economic partnership of the 1930s which had been crucial in Israel’s creation.
Hitler paid for the first Jewish land purchases in Palestine, in gratitude for which the Zionists struck a commemorative coin.
The father of Hermann Goering’s Luftwaffe number-two, Field Marshal Erhard Milch, was a Jew and his mother was, too. Milch was one of a dozen half-Jewish generals and admirals, plus dozen quarter-Jews of that rank, and 150,000 half- or quarter-Jewish soldiers – a large fraction of whom were officers – all with Jewish parents or grand-parents. In a regime focused on the total eradication of the Jewish race, this seems odd. Ron Unz.
“Two-thirds of German Jews emigrated before the war after Hitler’s 1933 promise to expel them and prior to 1939”. Eric Hobsbawm.
“There was no planned program for the extermination of European Jews, nor gas chamber extermination programs. The fact that a great many people lost their lives is incontrovertible. That the German concentration camps weren’t health centers is well known. But they appear to have been far smaller and much less lethal than the Russian ones”. Paul Rassinier, Buchenwald prisoner #44364.
Cui bono?
millions of dollars are still spent propagating these tales every year, and I leave it to readers to identify the beneficiaries of these two propaganda campaigns, knowing that . My lips are sealed.
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Free Sources
Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, 1951.
Amazon Banned These 9 Academic Books Questioning Certain Aspects of the ‘Holocaust’. Why?
Throughout WW II, Zyklon B was used to disinfect soldiers' barracks and concentration camps to eliminate lice and prevent typhus. It was not used to kill people.