Holy smokes! The automated missile factories shown in the video are.. words escape me. The US-NATO Imperium is fucked. We are Wiley Coyote over the cliff, too dumb to realize he’s about to.. fall. But this is no cartoon. The coyote is not going to get up for another laugh.

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Thank you very much for that Godfree, another excellent and thought-provoking piece.

Just a couple of comments,

My first comment is for anyone who thinks that Chinese video is partially or totally faked, some sort of Potemkin village missile force. Well, Sun Tzu taught us that all warfare is based on deception, but which is more likely, that you publicly advertise a capacity that you don't have or that you conceal a capacity that you do have? The first would be like strolling into a dangerous neighborhood with a fake gun strapped to your hip, while the second would be like going into that same neighborhood with a pistol hidden in your pocket. Which is more rational?

Secondly, I was just wondering how compatible that missile force would be with the Chinese high-speed rail network, for either transporters or launchers. It has got to have been considered in their planning, railways have had military applications right from the very beginning and the command center (with blurred out windows) shown at 7:21 looks about the right size to actually be in a rail carriage.

I couldn't give you the exact numbers, but considering that there is now a high-speed link to Lhasa, it's not unreasonable to think that a major missile force could be moved from the southern coast to the Tibetan plateau in 2-3 days or even less.

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Thanks for your always sparkling analysis

Godfree. I also picked up your excellent “how to” book on retiring to Thailand. I was briefly in Thailand years ago and it is an impressive place. While I have ample resources in retirement to live there, my wife (73 y/o) has health problems(MS)and dealing with the heat there is a non-starter.

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